The afterschool program is a semi-structured forum where students take high interest classes, get homework help, and connect with others meaningfully.
Our Current Afterschool Schedule
Movement Mondays
We encourage after schoolers to get their bodies moving with cross country practices weekly in the gym. Those looking for slower movement will take part in yoga led by staff.
Workshop Wednesdays
Participants build practical skills through unique and fun craft projects.
Examples of projects: Woodworking, Holiday and Seasonal crafts, and cooking

Trivia Tuesdays
A popular day on campus. Students and staff challenge their brains with fun and engaging trivia on group-selected topics ranging from Pop Culture to History.
Field Trip Thursdays
Excursions alternate between trips to the library and hikes to encourage our students to explore the world, in nature and in literature.
Board Game and Book Club Fridays
Time to unwind from the week with an afternoon of book discussions and lively competition in board games.
Monthly Specials
Every month, students will have a special field trip during afterschool, on adventures to destinations like Spirit Halloween and craft stores.
Seasonal Sports
By partnering with other schools and local businesses, we are able to participate in seasonal sports like Cross Country, Soccer, Bowling, and more!
​​Hours: Monday-Friday 2:30PM-5:00PM
Daily Schedule:
2:30-3:15 Homework & study hall
3:15-3:30 group huddle
3:30-4:30 daily activity 1
4:30-5:00 Daily activity 2
Unlimited Membership: $1500/month
Daily: $100/day