The Social Innovation Lab bridges the gap between neurodivergent populations and the development of products, services, and research. View the lab's current and past projects here.
Balance Board Math
OMSIL collaborated with UC Berkeley's Embodied Design Research Lab for a unique learning opportunity in which students explore functions and graphing concepts through movement (Tancredi et al., in press)
Illusory Apparent Motion
OMSIL conducted an eye-tracking experiment on Illusory Apparent Motion (IAM) with researchers from UC Santa Cruz's High Level Perception Lab (Allen et al., 2022).
Social Cipher
Social Cipher's Ava is a role-playing platform adventure game following an autistic star mapper that provides students a space to try out social situations and emotional responses. OMSIL evaluated its target outcomes in social and emotional learning (SEL) skills.
Chatbot Accessibility
OMSIL collaborated with researchers at the University of Twente to iterate on a chatbot usability scale to make it more accessible for all neurotypes (Borsci et al., 2022).
Learning Factory EDU
Learning Factory EDU is a free STEM video game developed by for middle-school students designed to meet Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). OMSIL gave usability feedback to improve visual, motor, and cognitive accessibility.

First Responder Training
Research assistants from OMSIL produced a training video for police and first responders to manage crises with autistic people more safely and effectively. Special emphasis was given to the inclusion of self-advocate voices and perspective.

Neurodiversity Training
OMSIL produced training materials and videos for preservice teachers and educational professionals. The training covers neurodiversity as a movement, identity, and biological fact.
Speakprose AAC
The OMSIL evaluated the effectiveness of a new lexical augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) app, Speakprose by Cognixion, for students at Open Mind School.
Foldscope is a paper microscope developed as a financially accessible alternative to traditional microscopes. OMSIL developed accessible biology curriculum in alignment with Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS).
OMSIL collaborated with Serin Center to investigate the effects of bilateral stimulation through Touchpoint wearable devices on the regulation of students during academic tasks.
Rewire VR
OMSIL partnered with to test the educational virtual reality (VR) game Rewire VR, evaluating the feasibility of students with different sensory needs using VR headsets as an effective intervention.
Learning Design & Tech
Students from Stanford's d.School worked with OMSIL to identify opportunities for innovative educational technologies, resulting in over 30 design projects.